Dollywink will release their new range of lashes soon!!
Because I AM!!
Alright! Back to the point.
I'm so broke broke broke...nao~ Bought too much stuff recently...
There's alot of stuff i did not take photo of..
Baby lips lipbalm, Candy Doll Powder Foundation & CD Concealer.
The first thing i notice when i took it out was..........
Cheap sorry luh..and its making me feels like im playing with my niece's toy -___-

Back of the casing......

Opens up! 2 level compact. First layer is sponge

2nd layer is the foundation with mirror

Candy Doll Concealer~

Baby Lips lipbalm

Shall review the above products soon~

2 samples were given to me when i purchased Fresh Cherry Tint from Etude House.

In peach colour
Shall review it once my pink lip tint arrive on both lip tint and tear drop liner in gold.
Finally off today~~ Mad tired can~~~~
Teddy was playing with tofu...

That's all for nao~