Did you guys enjoy your valentine's day?
No matter you're single or attached...there's always someone there for you..
Like friends, boyfriends or family :)
If you're asking bout me..yes i love it
But look, i'm single and yet im able to enjoy my v day being single...
Because there's friends i love....so much that i have to do something for them
I am trying to make cakepop but cause something was ruined...i changed my mind in making it..
Nearly gave up but i still wanna try harder just for my friends...
So i finally make it..here's the results
And a friend make this in return..so sweet right?
He took 5 hours making it..(1hr per rose)

I love to act like i don't care at all but on my way home, i was so touched that i cried.
Cab uncle played sad love song for me secretly cause he thinks that i got dumped...LOL
Alright, I'm ending this post with 2 of my photo (ya ya wan puke?)

♥ Miki