Great! I've finally remembered my email to log in here..........
Too many emails to remember........hahas
Ordered this little shorts x skirt from Glamourous.
Its nice isn't it? Yes?
Oh yes! I've bought the baby pink one..! Currently waiting for items to be shipped. It cost me quite a little since they do charge service charge at a additional amount of SGD10 & shippings.
Everything cost $59.90 for just a little skirt like this. But its just so beautiful~~!!
Recently Katrin is selling off some of her clothes^-^
So i reserved 2 from here~~~
In baby Pink
D.i.a. Black Top

Ever know how much i love d.i.a's top?? I'm damn disappointed with Golds Infinity's quality...Whenever i wash their black tops...their black will always stain the white laces or anything in light colours. So do Hard Candy...
Do you know that Rina Sakurai has released her 2nd series of fake lashes??

Well...i've ordered a 3 pairs..

That was because......its pointless to do so if i only have 5 followers here..
Right?? SO please! Follow me if you like my blog.
PLEASE do a make-up tutorial hahahah you have lovely eyes
ReplyDeleteSure. Thanks!